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a little bit of this and that
a little bit of this and that.......
ok I am just filling you in on bits of this and that, that I have made for exhibitions and galleries to date. For those of you who have already been following my work I hope you enjoy reminiscing with me. I am developing new pieces and this blog is leading me up to introducing my new work. I hope that you enjoy following my journey and see the connections within work past and present.Today's photo is of work created for an exhibition at Sean Hirst's florist and interiors shop. Sean has a beautiful shop in Eccleshall (near Stafford) not only does he sell lovely flowers but items for the home. I approached Sean to see if he would be up for letting me make a window display. I hadn't realised that Sean had actually purchased some of my work already and it turned out he was quite keen. I went away with brain buzzing and had lots of ideas. I had already had a display in a gallery called Painted Blue in Leek( sadly no longer ) called 'Tea with Freddie' . The story for Sean's needed to be the next step and so evolved 'No Peas for Jane'. When confirming with Sean that we were actually going to do this he surprised me by saying yes and I am going to clear out the shop and let you fill the shop! Well this hadn't been the plan but I had the furniture I had made for 'Tea with Freddie' and so always up for a challenge I set too. I filled shelves with teapots , clocks tea caddies . Sean found this little cupboard and challenged me to do something with it... hence it became the first bird box. The curvy bit at the top I have added referencing dresser tops . It has been constructed from papier mache and I have stitched with blanket stitch. The exhibition was a big risk for Sean and a terrifying adventure for me. I did not want to let Sean down he had invested so much in me . Fortunately it was a huge success, well attended and the feedback to my work was lovely. I met a photographer called Caroline Burley who loved my work so much she just came and took loads of photos and sent me a copy totally free so thank you Caroline!
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