pale powder grey clouds on market day......

Ok today is Tuesday and hence market day , its pale grey sky but the cold easterly wind seems still so hopefully people will be bringing their bits and bobs to market. What will I find if anything today ? Work is progressing well at the studio and I now have a fox sitting on the shelf. I just hope he doesn't bully the others, the squirrels I am not worried about as they can scurry out of his way but the little birds have no bodies so cant fly yet that is to come later !
I have made my first hill which is snowy and might have to have wheels so its moveable like a piece of stage scenery. More hills to follow.
I love stacking different elements together. In our domestic worlds we stack china in cupboards fold linens, place napkins on top of plates the mix of elements placed together has always appealed and when I was doing my degree I did many series of photo's of domestic items stacked. Part of my work has evolved from this idea of domestic items folded and place together. Following on from the lovely child's blue dress I purchased at the same time some other fabrics so here are some lovely folded collages......

hand stitched detail on child's dress

lovely old lace and handmade woolly flower

beautiful child's blue dress and frothy petticoat


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