pigeon grey clouds in a summer sky.......

as I sit here at the computer the sun shines brightly enhancing the dark grey fluffy clouds, I don't think its going to rain. Work is progressing towards the exhibition and today I have six new characters all finished ready to be packed away. But before they disappear for a while I thought I would share with you some images and stories. Once finished I carried them down the garden to my little summer house, its a bit bright in the garden and the sun catches the glistening surface of the glaze. So to the summer house we went and on my lovely pale yellow formica table, standing to attention, I snapped away. First two I will show you are rabbit with the big years and my lovely badger. They are quite fond of each other having been sewn and stitched at the same time ! If you look back in my blog you will see a picture of big eared rabbit before she came home with no arms or body. Now she is ready for winter with her handknit woolly shawl wrapped tightly round her neck. Badger of course is much tougher although he is sporting some nice tweed and   velvet lined grey collar to keep out the bitter wind.

badger and cloth eared rabbit

big eared rabbit before

down in the summer house


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