blackberries turning black........

in the hedgerows  I now know autumn is around the next bend. Full of oranges and rusts, golden coloured floating leaves enhance every footstep in the woods. Gradually everything is coming together each a new piece of the jigsaw slots together and the exhibition is taking shape. Five minutes snatched from a busy day allow me to photograph and share new characters and finished stitching. Today before I go out for my afternoon walk I thought you might like to see the singing birds and Empire animals. Singing birds feathers are wire and stitched layers of fabric arms poised ready to breathe life to a song that will carry on the wind.


vintage ceramics added in mosaic
poised ready to sing

little rabbit a flower dusting her nose
white fur trimmed empire bird
My little animals of the Empire stand proud and tall white fur keeping the chill wind out........................see who comes next by watching this space


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