very warm a heavy grey sky....

...........a very sleepy sort of day but I have been busy, busy, busy. Drilling, sewing,  a construction day but very enjoyable. At first I wasn't sure if it was going to work but sometimes you just have to follow your heart and surprise surprise a very productive happy day.
Friday always starts with a walk at a friends farm , a truly enchanting place full of cobbles and old red bricks everything a jumble. Old paraphanelia  stored and left higgledy, piggledy kittens clambering in amongst boxes and old wood,  always make me smile and bring a joyous peace to the start of the day. A stroll round a lake with fish jumping and lots of birds fills me with delight.A mode of transport needed finishing all the items assembled  a plan in my head doubts creep in but  soon dissipate as a vehicle starts to appear. Ideas flourish and all of a sudden problems solved. Before I go for a walk I thought you might like to see the production of all today's work...

rear view of duck's transport for postal services

advertising logo

side view with advertising

close up

front view

still more work and of course she will harness the help of a friendly reindeer to pull her along a bell I think is needed to announce her arrival and collect the post. Now I am off for a walk having made the pillow and coverlet for the camp in the woods I hope she visits before the rain comes.........


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