dampness in the air......

meant Lola and I had a wet walk ! we have come home to have a cup of tea and dry off before starting work. The exhibition at Shire hall gallery is going well , so I thought today I would show you some bits and pieces. A trip to Manchester Textile Fair provided me with lots of lovely bits to work with, some lovely brushed cotton nighties, old cashmere and stripey cottons. Lots of loveliness leads to plump rounded bodies clothed in vintage swatches of old fabrics. each character tells its own story of history through fabrics used objects attached. Hills and trees tie characters to a landscape that belongs entirely to them, we can only dream and wonder what they are about to do or where they are going carrying their bags......

" the little dog laughed to have such fun..."

bags packed off on a journey

winter tweeds keep them warm

"mind you dont trip"


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