drizzly morning clouds............

leave a damp film on my new old tweed jacket as I walk Lola through the woods. The jacket is a lovely brown herringbone and was made by a company called Rosette, I feel I could be part of my exhibition with just such a named jacket ! Although its a heavy grey sky there is a hint of warmth in the air and a smell of bonfires, leaves being gathered and nuts falling on the ground. A time for gatherings and enjoying daylight hours soaking up the rainbow colours on the trees. I visited Shire Hall Gallery and all my characters were as placed, no shifting around, owl has obviously doing a good job of maintaining order and decorum. I took my camera and hope you like the photographs of reindeers and antlers. The shadows were playing on the wall and giving depth to the story please enjoy and share....

large reindeer with responsibility for pulling duck post

small blue reindeer very proud of rosette with ermin tails

ermin tail award for bravery !


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