pitter patter raindrops....

this Friday morning...its quite a surprise as we havent had rain for a while, my flowers in the garden will be so delighted a bit of a pick me up in late Summer. The start of the day leads me on a meander down the garden to see whats growing and  where I can squeeze in more flowers.  Follow me down the garden path to the Wendy house but look Lola has already found a shady spot !!
Once pondered upon there is nothing for it but to start and plan the day ahead,  what is to be made and see how are things are drying ......so step this way and enter the studio.....

where chaos sometimes reigns and treasures stored.. full of tales untold

 rabbits dream of a life to be whilst gazing up at the sky above....

 clocks tick tock and wait for the mice to appear.....

and yet it reminds us its time for tea and to warm the pot first...

whilst all around are collected bits of this and that inspire and make me smile... and an old cupboard is packed with old broken vintage cups and samples of this and that...... and low and behold the day is done its time for home, a walk over fields and stretch our legs...... and dream of things to come...


  1. If you didn't make pots I reckon you could write stories!

    1. I would love to write stories.... and I always think of my work as telling stories maybe one day in the meantime thank you so much and I am delighted you like my tales of misadventure !!!


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